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Part 1 - Basic Document Tasks

You can perform basic document tasks such as create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) on documents in a collection. This portion of the tutorial guides you through those tasks.

Create the Characters Collection

Before we can insert documents with C8QL, we need a place to put them in: a collection.

For this tutorial, Create a Document Store collection in the console. For more information about collections, refer to Collections.

  1. Log in to your Macrometa account.
  2. Click Data > Collections.
  3. Click New Collection.
  4. Click Document Store.
  5. Name the collection Characters and then click Create.

Create Documents

You can create documents one at a time or in a batch. In this section, you use C8QL queries to do both. For more information, refer to the INSERT operation.

For more information about this task, refer to Add Documents to a Collection.

Add One Document to the Collection

Add one document to the collection with a query.

  1. Click Compute > Query Workers.

  2. Copy and paste the following C8QL query into the query editor on the Editor tab.

    INSERT {
    "name": "Ned",
    "surname": "Stark",
    "alive": true,
    "age": 41,
    "traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"]
    } INTO Characters
  3. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns an empty list, because the query did not RETURN anything. We'll do that in a later step.

If you want to see your new record, click Data > Collections and then click Characters. Your brand new Ned Stark record is right there.

Explanation of Adding One Document

The syntax for this query is INSERT document INTO collectionName. The document is an object like you may know it from JavaScript or JSON, which is comprised of attribute key and value pairs. The quotes around the attribute keys are optional in C8QL. Keys are always character sequences (strings), whereas attribute values can have different types:

  • null
  • boolean (true, false)
  • number (integer and floating point)
  • string
  • array
  • object

Name and surname of the character document we inserted are both string values. The alive state uses a boolean. Age is a numeric value. The traits are an array of strings. The entire document is an object.

Add Multiple Documents to the Collection

Let's add the rest of our characters with a single query. If you are familiar with FOR loops iterating through lists, this will be very familiar.

  1. Click Compute > Query Workers (if you are not already in that section).

  2. Click New Query.

  3. Copy and paste the following C8QL query into the query editor on the Editor tab.

    LET data = [
    { "name": "Robert", "surname": "Baratheon", "alive": false, "traits": ["A","H","C"] },
    { "name": "Jaime", "surname": "Lannister", "alive": true, "age": 36, "traits": ["A","F","B"] },
    { "name": "Catelyn", "surname": "Stark", "alive": false, "age": 40, "traits": ["D","H","C"] },
    { "name": "Cersei", "surname": "Lannister", "alive": true, "age": 36, "traits": ["H","E","F"] },
    { "name": "Daenerys", "surname": "Targaryen", "alive": true, "age": 16, "traits": ["D","H","C"] },
    { "name": "Jorah", "surname": "Mormont", "alive": false, "traits": ["A","B","C","F"] },
    { "name": "Petyr", "surname": "Baelish", "alive": false, "traits": ["E","G","F"] },
    { "name": "Viserys", "surname": "Targaryen", "alive": false, "traits": ["O","L","N"] },
    { "name": "Jon", "surname": "Snow", "alive": true, "age": 16, "traits": ["A","B","C","F"] },
    { "name": "Sansa", "surname": "Stark", "alive": true, "age": 13, "traits": ["D","I","J"] },
    { "name": "Arya", "surname": "Stark", "alive": true, "age": 11, "traits": ["C","K","L"] },
    { "name": "Robb", "surname": "Stark", "alive": false, "traits": ["A","B","C","K"] },
    { "name": "Theon", "surname": "Greyjoy", "alive": true, "age": 16, "traits": ["E","R","K"] },
    { "name": "Bran", "surname": "Stark", "alive": true, "age": 10, "traits": ["L","J"] },
    { "name": "Joffrey", "surname": "Baratheon", "alive": false, "age": 19, "traits": ["I","L","O"] },
    { "name": "Sandor", "surname": "Clegane", "alive": true, "traits": ["A","P","K","F"] },
    { "name": "Tyrion", "surname": "Lannister", "alive": true, "age": 32, "traits": ["F","K","M","N"] },
    { "name": "Khal", "surname": "Drogo", "alive": false, "traits": ["A","C","O","P"] },
    { "name": "Tywin", "surname": "Lannister", "alive": false, "traits": ["O","M","H","F"] },
    { "name": "Davos", "surname": "Seaworth", "alive": true, "age": 49, "traits": ["C","K","P","F"] },
    { "name": "Samwell", "surname": "Tarly", "alive": true, "age": 17, "traits": ["C","L","I"] },
    { "name": "Stannis", "surname": "Baratheon", "alive": false, "traits": ["H","O","P","M"] },
    { "name": "Melisandre", "alive": true, "traits": ["G","E","H"] },
    { "name": "Margaery", "surname": "Tyrell", "alive": false, "traits": ["M","D","B"] },
    { "name": "Jeor", "surname": "Mormont", "alive": false, "traits": ["C","H","M","P"] },
    { "name": "Bronn", "alive": true, "traits": ["K","E","C"] },
    { "name": "Varys", "alive": true, "traits": ["M","F","N","E"] },
    { "name": "Shae", "alive": false, "traits": ["M","D","G"] },
    { "name": "Talisa", "surname": "Maegyr", "alive": false, "traits": ["D","C","B"] },
    { "name": "Gendry", "alive": false, "traits": ["K","C","A"] },
    { "name": "Ygritte", "alive": false, "traits": ["A","P","K"] },
    { "name": "Tormund", "surname": "Giantsbane", "alive": true, "traits": ["C","P","A","I"] },
    { "name": "Gilly", "alive": true, "traits": ["L","J"] },
    { "name": "Brienne", "surname": "Tarth", "alive": true, "age": 32, "traits": ["P","C","A","K"] },
    { "name": "Ramsay", "surname": "Bolton", "alive": true, "traits": ["E","O","G","A"] },
    { "name": "Ellaria", "surname": "Sand", "alive": true, "traits": ["P","O","A","E"] },
    { "name": "Daario", "surname": "Naharis", "alive": true, "traits": ["K","P","A"] },
    { "name": "Missandei", "alive": true, "traits": ["D","L","C","M"] },
    { "name": "Tommen", "surname": "Baratheon", "alive": true, "traits": ["I","L","B"] },
    { "name": "Jaqen", "surname": "H'ghar", "alive": true, "traits": ["H","F","K"] },
    { "name": "Roose", "surname": "Bolton", "alive": true, "traits": ["H","E","F","A"] },
    { "name": "The High Sparrow", "alive": true, "traits": ["H","M","F","O"] }

    FOR d IN data
    INSERT d INTO Characters
  4. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns an empty list. As before, you can manually look at the records in the Collections screen, or retrieve them with queries in the next section.

Explanation of Adding Multiple Documents

The LET keyword defines a variable with name data and an array of objects as value, so LET variableName = valueExpression and the expression being a literal array definition like [ {...}, {...}, ... ].

FOR variableName IN expression is used to iterate over each element of the data array. In each loop, one element is assigned to the variable d. This variable is then used in the INSERT statement instead of a literal object definition. What is does is basically:

"name": "Robert",
"surname": "Baratheon",
"alive": false,
"traits": ["A","H","C"]
} INTO Characters

"name": "Jaime",
"surname": "Lannister",
"alive": true,
"age": 36,
"traits": ["A","F","B"]
} INTO Characters


C8QL does not permit multiple INSERT operations that target the same collection in a single query. It is allowed as body of a FOR loop however, inserting multiple documents like you did in the above query.

Read Documents

With C8QL queries, you can retrieve all documents or specific documents. This section demonstrates both methods.

Read All Documents

You can retrieve documents (characters) in the Characters collection by using a FOR loop again. This time however, we use it to go through all documents in the collection instead of an array.

  1. Click New Query.

  2. In the Query Workers screen, paste the following code block in the editor:

    FOR c IN Characters
    RETURN c
  3. Click Run Query.

Macrometa lists all records in the Query Result.

Explanation of Reading All Documents

The syntax of the loop is FOR variableName IN collectionName. For each document in the collection, c is assigned a document, which is then returned as per the loop body. The query returns all characters that were previously stored.

Among them should be Ned Stark, similar to this example:

"_key": "2861650",
"_id": "Characters/2861650",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa---",
"name": "Ned",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": true,
"age": 41,
"traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"]

The document features the five attributes you stored, plus three more added by the database system. Each document needs a unique _key, which identifies it within a collection. Document keys can be provided by the user upon document creation, or a unique value is assigned automatically. Once created, document keys cannot be changed.

All three system attributes starting with an underscore _ are read-only. The _id is a computed property, a concatenation of the collection name, a forward slash / and the document key. It uniquely identies a document within a database. _rev is a revision ID managed by the system.

Read Specific Documents

You can use either the document key or the document ID to retrieve a specific document with the help of a C8QL function DOCUMENT().


Document keys will be different for you. Update the queries accordingly.

Read One Specific Document

  1. Click New Query.

  2. Copy and paste one of the following commands in the editor. Notice that the command includes the collection name and a document key.

    RETURN DOCUMENT("Characters", "2861650")
    // --- or ---
    RETURN DOCUMENT("Characters/2861650")
  3. Replace the document key with the key from the first record in the results of the previous query.

  4. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns something like this:

"_key": "2861650",
"_id": "Characters/2861650",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa---",
"name": "Ned",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": true,
"age": 41,
"traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"]

Read Multiple Specific Documents

The DOCUMENT() function also allows you to fetch multiple documents at once.

  1. Click New Query.

  2. Copy and paste one of the following commands in the editor.

    RETURN DOCUMENT("Characters", ["2861650", "2861653"])
    // --- or ---
    RETURN DOCUMENT(["Characters/2861650", "Characters/2861653"])
  3. Replace the document keys with keys from the first and fourth records in the results of the previous query.

  4. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns something like this:

"_key": "2861650",
"_id": "Characters/2861650",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa---",
"name": "Ned",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": true,
"age": 41,
"traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"]
"_key": "2861653",
"_id": "Characters/2861653",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa--B",
"name": "Catelyn",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": false,
"age": 40,
"traits": ["D","H","C"]

For more information, refer to the DOCUMENT() function documentation.

Update Documents

With C8QL queries, you can update specific documents or all documents. This section demonstrates both methods.

Update a Single Document

According to the Ned Stark document, he is alive. Because he died by the end of the season, you need to change the alive attribute in the existing document.

  1. In the previous section, you used Ned Stark's record key. Make sure you still have it handy.

  2. Click New Query.

  3. Copy and paste the following command in the editor.

    UPDATE "2861650" WITH { alive: false } IN Characters
  4. Replace the key value with Ned Stark's record key.

  5. Click Run Query.

Macrometa updates the record and returns an empty list. To see the update, you can run one of the read queries from the previous section.

Explanation of Updating a Single Document

The syntax is UPDATE documentKey WITH object IN collectionName. It updates the specified document with the attributes listed (or adds them if they don't exist), but leaves the rest untouched. To replace the entire document content, you can use REPLACE instead of UPDATE:

REPLACE "2861650" WITH {
name: "Ned",
surname: "Stark",
alive: false,
age: 41,
traits: ["A","H","C","N","P"]
} IN Characters

Update All Documents

To add a new attribute to all documents, you might run the previous command for updating a single document with a FOR loop. A variable is used instead of a literal document key, to update each document. The query adds an attribute season to the documents' top-level.

  1. Click New Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following command in the editor.

    FOR c IN Characters
    UPDATE c WITH { season: 1 } IN Characters
  3. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns an empty list. You can inspect the result by re-running the query that returns all documents in collection:

FOR c IN Characters

Records now have a season attribute.

"_key": "2861650",
"_id": "Characters/2861650",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa---",
"name": "Ned",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": false,
"age": 41,
"traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"],
"season": 1
"_key": "2861653",
"_id": "Characters/2861653",
"_rev": "_V1bzsXa--B",
"name": "Catelyn",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": false,
"age": 40,
"traits": ["D","H","C"],
"season": 1

Delete Documents

With C8QL queries, you can delete specific documents or all documents. This section demonstrates both methods.

Delete Specific Documents

To fully remove documents from a collection, there is the REMOVE operation. It works similar to the other modification operations, but without a WITH clause.

  1. Click New Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following command in the editor.

    REMOVE "2861650" IN Characters
  3. Replace the key in the example with any key from your document collection.

  4. Click Run Query.

Macrometa deletes the document and returns an empty list.

Delete All Documents

You can also use REMOVE in a loop body to effectively truncate a collection, removing all records without deleting the collection.

  1. Click New Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following command in the editor.

    FOR c IN Characters
    REMOVE c IN Characters
  3. Click Run Query.

Macrometa deletes all documents and returns an empty list. To view the results, navigate to the Collections screen and click your collection or run the query to view all documents.


Re-run the insert queries at the top with all character documents before you continue with the next chapter, to have data to work with again. And don't forget good, old Ned Stark! We're not through picking on him.

Next Steps

Great job! You have created a collection and performed basic CRUD operations. When you're ready, continue the tutorial in Part 2 - Filter Results.