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Maps, Sets, SortedSets

The other day I came across a question about how to model popuplar Redis datatypes using Macrometa GDN. Macrometa GDN is a geo-replicated multi-model realtime database. So modelling Redis basic datatypes in Macrometa can be done easily.

By modelling these data types in GDN, developers can use ( i.e., read-write) these data types globally from regions closest to their Apps & APIs with very low latency. The GDN will take care of doing the necessary geo-replication and convergence.

The popular data types in Redis are

  • Strings - Strings are the most basic kind of Redis value.
  • Lists - Redis Lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order.
  • Sets - Redis Sets are an unordered collection of Strings.
  • Hashes - Redis Hashes are maps between string fields and string values. Basically a map.
  • SortedSets - Redis Sorted Sets are, similarly to Redis Sets, non repeating collections of Strings. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set is associated with score, that is used in order to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score. While members are unique, scores may be repeated.

All of the above can be represented in Macrometa GDN.

Hashes (Maps)

In GDN, data is stored in collections (tables) as json documents. Each json document is essentially a Map of key:value pairs.

For example, following is a simple C8QL statement that inserts data for a user in users collection. The user document is basically a map with following fields _key, name, surname, alive, age and traits.

    INSERT {
"_key": "Ned Stark",
"name": "Ned",
"surname": "Stark",
"alive": true,
"age": 41,
"traits": ["A","H","C","N","P"]
} INTO users

You can retrieve a map (i.e., data for a given user), using following C8QL statement:

    RETURN DOCUMENT("users", "Ned Stark")

You can get all maps based on a condition using following C8QL statements:

    // Filter by user name
FOR user IN users
FILTER == "Ned"

// Filter by user age.
FOR user IN users
FILTER user.age < 13

You can get specific keys of a map following C8QL statement:

    FOR user IN users
FILTER == "Ned"
RETURN { name:, age: user.age }

You can update a specific key in the map (i.e., attribute of a given user) using following C8QL statement:

    UPDATE "Ned Stark" WITH { alive: false } IN users

You remove a map, using following C8QL statement:

    REMOVE "Ned Stark" IN users

Please see C8QL GoT Tutorial and C8QL Examples for more examples on how you can use C8QL.


Sets are basically an unordered collection of unique Strings. Sets can be easily modelled in Macrometa GDN as a collection of documents.

For example, following C8QL statement creates a set of user names.

    INSERT { "_key": "Ned Stark"} INTO users
INSERT { "_key": "Bruce Wayne"} INTO users
INSERT { "_key": "Clark Kent"} INTO users

In above example, we used _key attribute for saving the user name. Using the _key attribute is normally beneficial because it is the collection’s primary key. It is always present and automatically unique, so exactly what we need for maintaining a set. Note that there are some restrictions for what can be stored inside the _key attribute, but as long as values are only ASCII letters or digits, there is nothing to worry about. Inserting into the collection will also automatically populate the indexes.

You can remove a entry in the set using following C8QL statement:

    REMOVE "Ned Stark" IN users

You can get contents of a set using following C8QL statement:

    FOR user IN users

You can get count (i.e., size) of a set using following C8QL statement:

    RETURN LENGTH(users)


Lists are similar to sets except the values are not unique. Lists can be easily modelled in Macrometa GDN as a collection of documents like Sets. Use a different field instead of _key field. Create an index on that field with unique=false.


Sorted Sets are, similarly to Sets, non repeating collections of Strings. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set is associated with score, that is used in order to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score. While members are unique, scores may be repeated.

SortedSets can be easily modelled in Macrometa GDN as a collection of documents. Collections are a general-purpose storage mechanism and they are not limited to storing just scores.

We also need a mechanism for keeping scores sorted. By default, no specific sort order is maintained for data in a collection. To have the collection entries sorted by score values, we have to create a (sorted) persistent index on some attribute.

For example, let's assume we created a collection called highscores and a (sorted) persistent index on attribute called score.

Run the following C8QL queries to insert the data:

INSERT { _key: "bruce", score: 50 } IN highscores
INSERT { _key: "clark", score: 20 } IN highscores
INSERT { _key: "john", score: 35 } IN highscores
INSERT { _key: "jane", score: 75 } IN highscores
INSERT { _key: "robin", score: 60 } IN highscores

In above example, we used _key attribute for saving the user name. Using the _key attribute is normally beneficial because it is the collection’s primary key. It is always present and automatically unique, so exactly what we need for maintaining a set. Note that there are some restrictions for what can be stored inside the _key attribute, but as long as values are only ASCII letters or digits, there is nothing to worry about. Inserting into the collection will also automatically populate the indexes.

As we have some initial documents, we can now query the lowest and highest scores. This will also be efficient as the queries will use the sorted index on score:

    FOR h IN highscores
SORT h.score ASC
RETURN { user: h._key, score: h.score }

FOR h IN highscores
SORT h.score DESC
RETURN { user: h._key, score: h.score }

To store a highscore for a user without knowing in advance whether a value has already been stored before for this user, one can use UPSERT. The UPSERT will either insert a new highscore entry, or update an existing one if already present:

    UPSERT { _key: "william" }
INSERT { _key: "william", score: 80 }
UPDATE { score: OLD.score + 80 } IN highscores
RETURN { user: NEW._key, score: NEW.score }

If there is already an entry with a key william, its scores will be increased by 80. If such entry does not exist, it will be created. In both cases, the new score will be returned.

Finally, removing an entry from a highscore list is a straight-forward remove operation:

    REMOVE { _key: "robin" } IN highscores


Let's build on this simple example and create slightly more advanced highscore list use cases.

  • multi-game highscore lists
  • joining data
  • maintaining a “last updated” date

Multi-game highscore lists

We’ll start with generalizing the single-game highscore list into a multi-game highscore list.

In Redis, one would create multiple sorted sets for handling the highscore lists of multiple games. Multiple Redis sorted sets are stored under different keys, so they are isolated from each other.

Though Redis provides a few commands to aggregate data from multiple sorted sets (ZUNIONSTORE and ZINTERSTORE) into a new sorted set, other cross-set operations are not supported. This is not a problem if the client application does not have to perform cross-set queries or cleanup tasks.

In GDN, multi-game highscore lists can be implemented in two variants i.e.,

  • Store all highscores in the same collection or
  • Store using multiple collections (e.g. one per game).

Storing highscores for different games in separate collections has the advantage that they’re really isolated. It is easy to get rid of a specific highscore list by simply dropping its collection. It is also easy to get right query-wise.

All that needs to be changed to turn the above examples into a multi-game highscore list solution is to change the hard-coded collection name highscores and make it a bind parameter, so the right collection name can be injected by the client application easily.

On the downside, the multi-collection solution will make cross-game operations difficult. Additionally, having one collection per game may get out of hand when there are many, many highscore lists to maintain. In case there are many but small highscore lists to maintain, it might be better to put them into a single collection and add a game attribute to tell the individual lists apart in it.

Let’s focus on this and put all highscores of all games into a single collection.

The first adjustment that needs to be made is that we cannot use _key for user ids anymore. This is because user ids may repeat now (a user may be contained in more than one list).

So we need to change the design and make the combination of game and user a new unique key i.e. , create following 2 indexes -

persistent index --> unique: true, fields: [ "user", "game" ] 
sorted persistent index --> fields: [ "game", "score" ]

We can use the unique hash index on user and game to ensure there is at most one entry for per user per game. It also allows use to find out quickly whether we already have an entry for that particular combination of game and user. Because we are not using _key we could now also switch to numeric ids if we preferred that.

The other index on game and score is sorted. It can be used to quickly retrieve the leaderboard for a given game. As it is primarily sorted by game, it can also be used to enumerate all entries for a given game.

The following Shell command populates the multi-game highscores collection with 55,000 highscores:

for (var game = 0; game < 10; ++game) {
for (var user = 0; user < (game + 1) * 1000; ++user) {{
game: game,
user: String(user),
score: (game + user) % 997 /* arbitrary score */

The game ids used above are between 0 and 9, though any other game ids would work, too. User ids are stringified numbers.

We can now find out the leaderboard for game 2 with the following adjusted C8QL query. The query will use the (sorted) persistent index:

    FOR h IN highscores
SORT h.score DESC
RETURN { user: h.user, score: h.score }

Removing all scores for a specific game is also efficient due to the the same index:

    FOR h IN highscores
REMOVE h IN highscores

When storing all highscores in the same collection, we could also run cross-game queries if we wanted to. All that needs to be done for this is adjusting the FILTER conditions in the queries.

Inserting or updating a user score can be achieved using an UPSERT. Here’s a query to increase the score of user "1571" in game 2 by a value of 5:

    UPSERT { game: 2, user: "1571" }
INSERT { game: 2, user: "1571", score: 5 }
UPDATE { score: OLD.score + 5 } IN highscores
RETURN { user: NEW._key, score: NEW.score }

The same index on [ "user", "game" ] is used in the following query that will delete the highscore of a given user in a specific game:

    FOR h IN highscores
FILTER h.user == '3894'
REMOVE h IN highscores

Joining data

Querying the leaderboard for a specific game was easy. However, so far we have only queried user ids and associated scores in games. In reality, we probably want to display some more user information in a leaderboard, for example their screen names.

In Redis, no extra information can be stored in sorted sets. So extra user information must be stored under separate keys. There is no concept of joins in Redis. The scores contained in the sorted set need to be queried by the client application, and extra user information have to be queried by the client application separately.

In GDN, we could store the screen names in the highscores collection along with the highscores so we can easily query them with the leaderboard query. While this would work, it will create lots of redundant data if the screen names are also used and stored elsewhere.

So let’s pick the option that stores highscores and screen names in separate places, and brings them together only when needed in a leaderboard query.

Let’s store screen names in a collection named users. The following Shell commands will create the collection and set up 100K users with dummy screen names:

for (var i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
_key: String(i),
name: "test user #" + i

We can now query the highscores plus the screen name in one go:

    FOR h IN highscores
SORT h.score DESC
FOR u IN users
FILTER h.user == u._key
RETURN { user: h.user, name:, score: h.score }

Maintaining a “last updated” date

Finally, let’s try to keep track of when a highscore was last updated. There are a few use cases for this, for example displaying the date and time of when a highscore was achieved or for removing older highscores.

In Redis, the sorted set values are just the numeric scores, so we cannot store anything else (such as a date) inside the sorted sets. We would really need to store the update date for each highscore entry outside the sorted set, either under a separate key, or using a Redis hash. However, this is complex to manage and keep consistent so we won’t do it.

Let’s switch to GDN now. Here we work with arbitrarily structured documents. That means we can store any other attributes along with a highscore. We can store the timestamp of when a highscore was last set or updated in an attribute named date:

    LET now = DATE_NOW()
UPSERT { game: 2, user: "1571" }
INSERT { game: 2, user: "1571", score: 10, date: now }
UPDATE { score: OLD.score + 10, date: now } IN highscores
RETURN { user: NEW._key, score: NEW.score }

The date attribute can now be used for display purposes already.

We can also use the date attribute for identifying the oldest entries in the highscore list in case we want the list to be periodically cleaned up.

Obviously we will be indexing date for this, but we need to decide whether we want to use the same expiration periods for all games, or if we want to use game-specific expirations. If the expiration date is the same for all games, then we can index just date i.e.,

persistent index ---> fields: [ "date" ]

If we want to remove entries older than roughly 2 days, regardless of the associated game, we can use TTL (time to live) index.

ttl index ---> fields: [ "date" ]

If we instead want to find (and remove) the oldest entries for individual games, we need to create the index on game and date:

persistent index ---> fields: [ "game", "date" ] 

This index allows to efficiently get rid of the oldest entries per game:

    LET compare = DATE_NOW() - 2 * 86400 * 1000
FOR h IN highscores
FILTER < compare
LIMIT 1000
REMOVE h IN highscores

REMOVE was limited to the oldest 1000 entries. This was done to make the query return fast. The removal query can be repeated while there are still entries to remove.